About Me

Hoang Anh Dep Trai

My Information

Name: Dinh Nguyen Hoang Anh
School name: University of Greenwich Viet Nam
Class: COS1203

dinhnguyenhoanganh2005@gmail.com dinhnguyenhoanganh2005@gmail.com
https://www.facebook.com/hoanganhdinhhh hoanganhdinhhh
https://www.instagram.com/hoanganhdinhh hoanganhdinhh
hoanganhdinh.com hoanganhdinh.com

Subject code Subject Name Marks
COMP1753 Programming Foundations
COMP1821 Principles of Software Engineering
COMP1845 Systems Development
COMP1809 Introduction to Computer Science and its Application
MATH1179 Mathematics for Computer Science
COMP1589 Computer Systems and Internet Technologies Not Yet
COMP1843 Principles of Security Not Yet
COMP1752 Object Oriented Programming Not Yet

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